European Cultural Heritage Summit, Prague 2022

Europa Nostra Germany signs the Triparite Declaration and Memorandum of Understanding in European Cultural Heritage Summit, Prague 2022

The regions of Bohemia, Silesia and Lusatia contain invaluable historical cultural landscapes
that are characterised by a diversely linked history, a complex mosaic shaped by centuries-long European
cultural exchange and encounter processes. Their cultural identity is thus significantly interconnected.
This offers a significant potential for future developments in a transborder region that needs identity in a
special way - in the context of today's social, economic and environmental changes and challenges - in order
to successfully shape their future in a Europe of the Regions by giving the people living in these regions support
and orientation. The three neighboring regions and Central European surrounding areas and their ability
to utilise the cultural heritage as capital for mastering current challenges represents a task of European dimensions in various respects.

It offers the opportunity to discover and build new regional cultural paths of cooperation between European
neighbors, between East and West in Europe, through the development, preservation and communication
of cultural heritage. Above all, this should be carried, supported and promoted by civil society forces.

A trilateral cooperation between Europa Nostra Germany, the Europa Nostra country representation in the
Czech Republic and relevant partners in Poland, including the Europa Nostra Heritage Hub in Krakow, should
stimulate this. Endangered cultural heritage and the joint commitment to its preservation can provide a good
basis for such cooperation.

Europa Nostra Germany with its other partners will try to shape a stronger and concrete European interregional cooperation in the field of cultural heritage.

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