​ Cultural Heritage for the Future of Europe

In the framework of the European Year of Cultural Heritage (EYCH), the first European Cultural Heritage Summit was held from 18-24 June, 2018 in Berlin. It brought together numerous citizens and organisations from across Europe. 

"Sharing Heritage, become a part and share". That was the motto of Germany's contribution to the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018. What unites cultural heritage was discovered and developed at many impres­sive projects and locations. Europa Nostra's Berlin Call to Action, which was adopted at the end of the Euro­pean Cultural Heritage Summit in June 2018, concisely summarised the challenges and opportunities for cul­tural heritage as vector for peace, social cohesion and sustainable development in Europe. 

This “Berlin Call to Action” draws its inspiration and legitimacy from the expertise, enthusiasm and engagement of all those women and men who care for cultural heritage (tangible, intangible and digital) and who dedicate their expertise, time and energy, as professionals or volunteers, to ensure the transmission of this heritage to future generations. 

The economic value of their work is significant; its social and cultural value is priceless.

The “Berlin Call to Action” also builds on the input and support of the EYCH national coordinators, members of the EYCH Stakeholders Committee, as well as of members of the European Heritage Alliance 3.3.

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